Who We Are

Research Software Engineers

The increasing reliance of almost all research on software has been documented by the Software Sustainability Institute. They have found that more than 92% of academics use research software, and 56% develop their own software.

The Southampton Research Software Group is comprised of Research Software Engineers (RSEs). RSEs differ from traditional Software Engineers in their inherent understanding of the academic research process – gained through real-world experience.

The initiative to recognise the role of the RSE began here at the University of Southampton in 2012. There are RSE groups at most major universities and the Society of Research Software Engineering represents members in the UK and there are RSE associations in many other countries.

The Team

Our group began in 2015, made up from members of the Software Sustainability Institute’s consultancy team who are based in the School of Electronics and Computer Science. Since then we’ve grown to ten RSEs and worked on more than 150 projects.

For more information about our work, please get in touch